Looking Through Eyes of FAITH
Our perception about what we see can determine whether the outcome will be one of strength and growth or one that will yield a narrowed and limited result.
Continue reading →Our perception about what we see can determine whether the outcome will be one of strength and growth or one that will yield a narrowed and limited result.
Continue reading →Obedience is vital in the hour that is coming upon the earth – you must be ready to do what I say to do and should not act impulsively or presumptuously!
Continue reading →I am at work in your midst. I am taking you on a journey of discovery with Me and it will unlock to you every mystery. I have made you ready for more change.
Continue reading →My Hidden Ones are about to come forth onto the stage with the Royal Blue Curtain! Royal sons and daughters of the King bringing good news from another land!
Continue reading →ARISE, CHURCH ARISE! Break off the bondage the enemy has unlawfully bound you with! Cast the bondage to the Ground! Arise to let God Almighty rise up BIG IN YOU
Continue reading →Beware of those who are coming in dressed like a sheep when really they are wolves. Be sure to examine their heart motive, knowing them for who they are.
Continue reading →When you look up the Greek word behind the translated English words, Falling Away, you will discover the word APOSTASY.
Continue reading →This is the time God deals with those that have a calling on their life but have not yielded, because of the religious spirit, which bruises and wounds them.
Continue reading →There’s a sound being released: it’s the voice of the Lord out of His people. It’s changing the atmosphere around them, changing cities, nations and people.
Continue reading →There are so many people living under extreme pressures, due to challenging situations which they are facing. For some, the pressures of live are overwhelming.
Continue reading →The Lord spoke to me the following statement twice over the past day: Great Grace was upon them all…. Get ready, start moving people! God is in His House!
Continue reading →I heard the Lord say to me, “Can you imagine what it feels like, to feel the pain of every man, woman and child in the world?”
Continue reading →I give you a strong word because I love you! Come to the position I called you to. Cast off all chains that bind you; run the race freely! Time’s running out!
Continue reading →We all must realize that we are His very own dear children and that there is nothing He will not give to someone that Loves and comes to Him as a little child.
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