Faith to the Resurrection Power
True Life lives by Faith. Both are heavenly and can only be given. I give Life by Faith because I know all things. I am Life and I possess Faith.
Continue reading →True Life lives by Faith. Both are heavenly and can only be given. I give Life by Faith because I know all things. I am Life and I possess Faith.
Continue reading →The Lord says: I am the Light and depression cannot live in the Light. The enemy keeps many depressed. I knows depression leads to Malpractice.
Continue reading →I want you to make that change in me for eternal security. Not for just a quick fix to feel good for only a moment!!!
Continue reading →God said: I am getting ready to bring these barren situations to and end suddenly for I am going to breathe on them and speak life to them as you sing!
Continue reading →Only the blood of JESUS, makes us blameless in His sight. God wants to be our FIRST LOVE, not our afterthought.
Continue reading →God is shaking and shifting things around for unexpected miracles, heavenly promotions, favor, transitions, and wealth transfers!!!
Continue reading →I’ve chosen Israel as a Special Nation from all the nations; they are very special to me! Can I now forget my call and can I FORGET THEM? NO, for I Am that I Am
Continue reading →The sooner you see that what is going on in your life does not line up with the Word; the sooner you will be healed & go forth to the next level He has for you!
Continue reading →In all nations the Church needs to visit the potter’s wheel to allow God to give it a spiritual makeover.
Continue reading →I’ve come to prepare your heart all that are faithful who dwell in My sanctuary. You have been faithful in the small things; I’m preparing you to do greater!
Continue reading →The Lord says, allow Me to fill you with My living water. Then many others will be supplied and replenished by the outpouring that I will release through you.
Continue reading →God is aligning us in this day with the generation that went before us and the one that is coming up in this hour.
Continue reading →The Lord is OPENING SPECIAL DOORS. Just yesterday I heard the words WINDS OF CHANGE and again today I heard him say it.
Continue reading →You must know truth and the measuring plumb line for truth. Bottom line, pleasing man over the word of the Lord is out of order.
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