Correction From The Voice of God
Very few ask Jesus, “Correct me. Show me how I am off the path.” Are you humble enough to ask Jesus to reveal your weaknesses to you?
Continue reading →Very few ask Jesus, “Correct me. Show me how I am off the path.” Are you humble enough to ask Jesus to reveal your weaknesses to you?
Continue reading →The LORD is saying this day; “Behold, I hold before you an open door. For I open doors that no man can shut, I close doors that no man can open.”
Continue reading →“I AM wielding My winnowing fan to separate out those who do not make the cut, those who speak according to their own thoughts or desire,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Replenishment is coming amidst much change and the resistent turbulence …. But to the resistent, unbelieving liars and evil overlords, I will be a TERROR!”
Continue reading →“As you have joined your heart with Mine, I have anointed you with My Spirit and given you the wisdom and knowledge and understanding that you have longed for,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I learned A New NAME OF GOD the other day: Jehovah Gmolah (pronounced geh-moo-LAH).
Continue reading →I hear The Spirit say, “My People are defeated, because they have believed that the Battle that is raging is an earthly one — and not a spiritual one!”
Continue reading →“The time is upon you, that I AM mobilizing My Army from all the corners of the earth! The War is on, but the Victory is mine,” says the Captain of The LORD of Hosts.
Continue reading →“This is a new Season for you child, a season when your expectations will be met. A Season of dumbfounding miracles and promises fulfilled: says The LORD.
Continue reading →”My Child, yield yourselves as Living Sacrifices, for this is what I have required. You must no longer conform to the lusts and pleasures of an Earthly Kingdom,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →As in the days of Noah, so it will be with the coming of the Son of man. First, the earth was destroyed by water, so it shall be with fire.
Continue reading →As I typed this Word I heard Church bells ringing and I remembered that this year the first day of Hanukkah falls on Christmas Day.
Continue reading →I heard these Words, ”Daughter watch for 2025 is going to be a Year of the Beginnings of Seismic Shifts and even Greater Splits.”
Continue reading →There is continuing awe as God continues to take us deeper and deeper into the reality of the work that He is doing in changing us and our journey.
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