Declarations & Decrees: I Will Listen, Obey and Continue to Listen!
I decree and declare as Abraham continued to LISTEN and OBEY God’s Voice, each step of the way, so WE MUST ALSO.
Continue reading →I decree and declare as Abraham continued to LISTEN and OBEY God’s Voice, each step of the way, so WE MUST ALSO.
Continue reading →I decree and declare, as the Lord/ Adonai LEADS, YOU WILL CHALLENGE the spirits of darkness working in your midst.
Continue reading →I decree and declare Jesus/ Yeshua SENT His Spirit/Ruach, the HELPER, to us when He went to the Father.
Continue reading →I decree and declare I take to Heart the BLESSINGS and CURSINGS in God’s Word.
Continue reading →I decree and declare if any man wants to be first, he shall be least of all and the SERVANT of Everyone.
Continue reading →“Stand strong in the power of My Might, being kept in My Grace, to know that you are sustained in My banqueting House of Love.”
Continue reading →I decree and declare our Father is in HEAVEN; His Name is BLESSED!
Continue reading →I decree and declare BEWARE of the hypocrites who are so precise in obeying CHURCH or SYNAGOGUE DOCTRINE, but fail to show LOVE.
Continue reading →I believe that this snake in the dream represents the believer’s relationship with God.
Continue reading →I decree and declare the Body of Christ/ Messiah MUST rid itself of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and evil speaking.
Continue reading →I decree and declare I will ALWAYS BLESS the LORD! His PRAISE is continually in my mouth!
Continue reading →I decree and declare the Lord’s/ Adonai’s Hand is not too short to SAVE, nor His Ear too dull to HEAR!
Continue reading →I decree and declare I am BLESSED as I come in and as I go out.
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