Losing My Religion — Finding God
The day I left religion, Church and the forms, rituals, teachings and limited understanding of Christianity, I found God!
Continue reading →The day I left religion, Church and the forms, rituals, teachings and limited understanding of Christianity, I found God!
Continue reading →I believe that I’m becoming a different person, slowly, perhaps imperceptible from others.
Continue reading →As I earlier explained in my testimony, when I was 30 years old, The LORD pulled me out of Mainline Denominations.
Continue reading →I would like to share an experience I had with The LORD, dealing with the subject of fear.
Continue reading →Let the cry of our hearts be, ”Father send The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD! Let it fall afresh upon our hearts and our Nations!”
Continue reading →The LORD wants me to share this testimony to His faithfulness and the exposure of the works of darkness that are brought out of dark gloom into the Light.
Continue reading →Seek first the Kingdom and your Heavenly Father will add everything else you need in provision to you!
Continue reading →We have been anointed to take the rubble of what exists in our cities, start over, and make it new. So, why should you be concerned with taking your city for Christ?
Continue reading →The message I hear is: “If you walk with God, then He will guide you into pathways always upward.”
Continue reading →The LORD Jesus spoke quietly and yet it shook my world. Within a week I gave my heart to Jesus.
Continue reading →The LORD woke me up today speaking to me about manipulation, control, intimidation, insecurity, ulterior motives within the body of Christ.
Continue reading →I was praying, when suddenly I saw a man’s face looking right at me. He was surrounded by clouds so it was almost like a picture frame of clouds.
Continue reading →There is a sounding out of the Trumpet…. to Fall In! For this is a time in history like none other.
Continue reading →I have a strategic Prophetic Word that I got back in 1991 called End-Times Marriages and this is now coming!
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