Trust and Authority
The Lord will only grant authority to do His work once Trust has been established. meaning that we will follow His will and obey His commands, no matter what.
Continue reading →The Lord will only grant authority to do His work once Trust has been established. meaning that we will follow His will and obey His commands, no matter what.
Continue reading →Be sensible and vigilant, because your adversary the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking someone he may devour. We need Authority and we need Faith.
Continue reading →John preached one message and one message only, as told in Matthew 3:2-3 “’Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Are you listening to it?
Continue reading →Some in the Church refuse to accept Prophecy as either of this time or of a legitimate area for ministry or study. This is not a biblical position to hold.
Continue reading →How should a Christian work? Colossians 3:23-34 tells us explicitly and ever so simply!
Continue reading →From the moment we say YES to God, He starts to change us from what we were to what He wishes us to be. An awesome exchange indeed!
Continue reading →If you do not exercise your authority over the enemy you may as well not possess it, as it is worthless and he will take full advantage of your weakness.
Continue reading →We were made to rule, and we were made to rule this world, govern this world for God as His agents. This is what we are told in Genesis 1:26!!
Continue reading →Many Christians believe they can live their lives doing more or less just exactly what they like. But that is not the way it is, that is not the way God is.
Continue reading →When talking about the Bible in small group settings, whether with non-believers or believers, Transgression, Sin and Iniquity eventually arise.
Continue reading →The following is quoted in full from “Praying Faith” by Thomas P. Dooley, PhD. Page 187. I find the numbers and principle quite sobering
Continue reading →The Ephraimites were part of the army of Israel & the army of the Lord. But they turned back & rebelled & abandoned the battle field on the day of the battle.
Continue reading →First Chronicles 12:32 we hear tell of some mighty men who came to David after the death of King Saul to bring about a revolution. Some understood the times.
Continue reading →Who am I? I am part of a chosen race (1 Peter 2:9). I am a royal priest (1 Peter 2:9). I am a son of God (Romans 8:14), (Galatians 3:6). I am a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20-21). I am a temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16). I am an heir of God … Continue reading →