The Fruit of Light is of God that Overcomes All Darkness
First and foremost we are called to an unreserved and wholehearted commitment and love for the Lord our God. It’s the first commandment we are required to know.
Continue reading →First and foremost we are called to an unreserved and wholehearted commitment and love for the Lord our God. It’s the first commandment we are required to know.
Continue reading →Is there as it seems, an apparent conflict with the purpose of the Gospels – to spread the Good News of who Jesus was and is, and the words of Jesus himself?
Continue reading →Our Lord is faithful and compassionate to all who call upon His name. He is our refuge and strength in times of trouble. Put your trust in the Lord; not in men.
Continue reading →Born-again Christians should know full well that we achieve Salvation through Faith and not by Works. However, how do we hit this target with God?
Continue reading →On face value, heaping burning coals on anyone’s head seems to be downright un-Christian. What does it mean and what does it mean for Christians today?
Continue reading →God does not suffer arrogance in His elect. Arrogance is an anathema before God and Jesus reserved His harshest criticism for the arrogant Pharisees hypocrites.
Continue reading →In the times of the Old Testament and under the Old Covenant, God was known by His “characteristics” which were also His name. How do we interpret them today?
Continue reading →The purpose of prayer is to communicate with God. Most prayers unfortunately turn their prayer times into monologues, rather than a dialogues.
Continue reading →Christians do not pray to a distant or uncaring God but one who wants to have a personal relationship with us. He allowed His son to be crucified to redeem us.
Continue reading →In times such as these, we need to practice sensitivity in our fellowshipping with true disciples of God, and recognise the importance of obeying God’s Word.
Continue reading →We need to learn from a woman of faith who reached out to Jesus. At risk to her life, she reached out and was rewarded by healing. Her Faith was what mattered!
Continue reading →On the cross, Jesus cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” What happened to Jesus and caused Him to be forsaken by God His Father?
Continue reading →As born-again Christians we are expected to minister inner healing to God’s people, but here are times when people fail God and fall again into sin.
Continue reading →One problems with living sacrifices is that they tend to crawl off the alter of submission as we are not fully and correctly submitted to Lord Jesus.
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