Canada O Canada!
As I sit here, tearful over my Nation, I hear The LORD saying, “I know it is hard, but it is not impossible for Me to save Canada!
I AM saying that it is going to take a concerted effort on behalf of The Ecclesia, and those who are warming the pews, that they might open their eyes and hearts and become sold out for Me.
There is no place for lukewarmness in The Body of Christ, and I AM saying to those that are lukewarm, you need to repent and become fervent in your heart for Me, and for My Word!
It is better to be hot or cold — than lukewarm!
Wake up now for you do not realize what is going on in your Nation!
You are being taken over a little more day by day and I say unto you, those that lead you, lead you astray, for they have sold you out to the highest bidder and you will pay a high price for your complacency in this hour.
Be sure when you speak, it is of Me, says The LORD and not your own thoughts and ways.
Be sure when you speak, it is The LORD your God speaking.
I AM a still small voice, and I AM speaking to you, but to hear you must clear out the other voices.
You must shut down media and all those things that put forth their voice, put forth their lies and speak against the truth.
Canada, now is the day of your Salvation! Now is the day for you to repent of your sins!
Canada, do not think this will go on forever, for you have been lulled to sleep. But a big storm is brewing, and soon you will feel its effect.
Your struggle is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers and against rulers of darkness of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places.
I say to you, your answer is not a Liberal or a Conservative Government. The answer to your Nation’s issues is Christ!
Your answer is The LORD your God — O Canada!
Only The LORD your God can heal you.
Do not be wise in your own eyes, but pray daily for Wisdom and the discerning of spirits, and I will show you the path the ancient path that you must follow, the path of Holiness and Righteousness.
There is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof is death. I choose life for Canada!
Canada, I say to you this day, choose life and live!
There are those of you who think you know it all — when you know nothing!
You know nothing of the deep things of God and you are still on the milk of The Word — so I say you, you best come before Me; get into your prayer closet; and humble yourself before Me.
Repent of your sin while there is time, and I will take you and I will lift you up.
Canada, I can make you great again — but you must choose this day.
I say this day: Whom you will serve?
It is not what is seen online that will count for you in The Kingdom of God, but it is your attitude of heart and your life of prayer before Me.
I say to you, seek Me while there is time for the enemy is at the door and has been at the door for a long time and I say there are those within that have diabolical plans for your Nation.
There are terrorists who abide in your country, just waiting for the right moment to strike.
I say to you, Prayer and Intercession can bring about change!
Prayer and Intercession will protect you and your family.
Put aside the things that are unimportant and make My Word and a life of prayer your priority for you and your family.
If you knew Me as well as you knew the news you would fare well but I say unto you, you do not truly know Me when you rail against one another, when you warm the pews and go home and forget about Me.
I say to you it is time to walk a Repentant Walk!
It is time to hear My still small voice and let it prevail in your life.
It is time to spread The Gospel to every creature and not about showing how much you know online.
I Declare to you O Canada, I will stand on guard for you — but you must repent now and turn to Me now while there is time.
The hour is so much later than you realize and again, you have been lulled to sleep, though there are those that are alive and well spiritually in Canada.
There are few in comparison to those that do not know Me, and that think they know it all and come against the working of My Spirit.
There are those who have penetrated your land and are hidden in deep places in Government and in business and they are doing great damage that only a few have seen.
US President Trump
Your enemy is not Donald Trump!
I say to you, I have placed him in position as President of the United States for this time, not because he is a perfect man, but I have chosen him, and the people have voted for him.
Stop your criticisms stop the pointing of the finger — and instead seek My Face and Fast and Pray and see that if you turn to me that I might heal your land,” says The LORD!
~ Patricia Hamel
Patricia Hamel is a Canadian prophetic voice raised up for today as a gift to The Body of Christ and with a deep hunger for The Body of Christ to become mature sons and daughters. A servant of The LORD, she stands in the gap for her Nation of Canada, for the United States of America and all Nations. Israel is always on her heart, and it is with this heart that she ministers. Out of her relationship with The LORD Jesus Christ, she speaks the Words of The LORD through her own Ministry, Scribal Prophet.
Patricia, wow, just wow, what an anointed warning and soooo timely!!! You covered every need..we must keep asking for the nations and calling them by name. Praying and standing with you, my sister. In His love. Sandi
Those who listen and hear a living word from Father God will not be shaken, though the ground is filled with traps, and the winds are picking up, walk through the storm.
My heart is turned to hear the words of our Creator, humbly anticipating the army of our God, for HE IS ALL AROUND US…seek the Lord while He can be found….yet within my spirit the day is coming to an end, yet in this end those who refused to listen those naive ones who are asleep will awake within the nightmare of they’re own demise….yet in this moment God will bless you with truth, repentance is on all sides …yet most will need the greater shaking.
Thank You for sharing. Encourage‘a us to keep praying. Wisdom and Direction. We will repent. We will . Amen. Sergio and Valerie Staniak.
I weep as I write this, thank you so much for sharing His Word to you. God bless you Patricia, thank you so much for sharing His Word.