Can You Tell the Difference?
I remember several years ago when The LORD allowed me to see the principality of Kundalini.
He was large (about 20 feet [6m] tall), and sat Buddha-style on a platform. He was talking me, and as I forbade him from ever entering any of my meetings or conferences, he tried to convince me that he was just like The Holy Spirit.
Someone the other day posted a video [on Facebook] of people weeping, hugging, and laid out on the floor, and they said this was “God…”
But my question was, “Which god?” For there are many “gods”.
So many people in The Church are moved by emotion. Feelings do not prove the presence of God.
In fact, if you’re running to “Prophetic Conferences” and “Revivals” to “feel” something! Oh, you’re going to find what you’re looking for, because the devil is going to set you up to fall.
The LORD of Hosts is not about feelings! He is an encounter that brings forth change!
Satan is like a hound dog: he seeks out the spiritually wounded and voided. Demons cast out will soon return to see if the place where they’ve been expelled is occupied.
And too many Christians are not “occupied” with what The LORD has commanded them to do — and I’m not talking about going to Church and putting a few dollars in a bucket.
I’m talking about doing the works of the Father [YHVH] and producing good and effective fruit!
In March 2021, I posted a video while living in Panama, titled “The Latter Rain“ [see below], and there I spoke of an outpouring that was coming upon the land.
However, The LORD wanted to warn that a counterfeit revival would happen first, and to not be deceived. I spoke how the next move of God would not be televised, because the “true” church would soon have to go underground.
This is the season of the great falling away (apostasy). What you see in the new age movement is also in many of the churches.
But the question is, Can you tell the difference?
Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that the “very elect would be deceived, if possible.”
But what keeps the elect from being deceived? Being on one accord with the “truth bearer” who is The Holy Spirit, which means you are walking in total obedience; not quenching/stifling the Holy Spirit so that you can hear the still, small voice.
Spiritual Food For Thought….
“Prophecy Update: The Latter Rain is Coming!“
Shabbat Shalom
~ Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
Mena Lee Jones of Faithful Walk Healing Ministries operates in the office of a prophet, ministers, counsels, mentors and prays for anyone who is in need of Christ’s eternal love. Her purpose is to bring His {Jesus Christ} truth and light to a lost generation.
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