Can You Hear the Sound of ‘United We Stand’?
One more time, can you hear the sound?
It is the sound of deliverance, the sound of united we stand.
Marching forward… I exhort you to activate your faith, eliminate negativity, write your vision and move forward as you receive marching orders from the King of kings.
I have written a lot about marching to the tune of a different drummer, but as those who are marching forward with The LORD, there are many aspects of how that sounds and what makes it urgent to “fine tune” your hearing to His Voice and crash the chatterboxes screaming for your attention.
In this Season of Purim, just like Esther, know you were born for such a time as this.
As you hear the sound of the drummer calling you to a place of prayer, many will experience a process of re-birthing, some will be refreshed, while others are being repositioned.
The Spirit of The LORD is emphasizing almost like a headliner for the day to me, that His Divine Pattern will cause you to be fitly joined together for many unusual, unpredictable, and unprecedented movements of His Spirit as we experience much increase, favor and growth during the springtime and on into summer, when we will truly “sing in the sunshine” as diversity in unity blends His Instruments, together, with no one off beat or singing off key.
For each one in turn with His Heart is creating a beautiful sound: a release of a new song called “Togetherness.”
And from The Bridegroom to His Bride comes His Blessed Assurance: “Beloved, never ever forget that as you march to My Drumbeat. My Cadence is steady, sure and victorious. My Hand is gathering. My Heart is healing and My Arms are open wide.”
This sound shall ring out as many waters across the land. It shall be a song of songs and surely shall rise to the top of the “Hit Parade charts” of Heaven and shall be a pronouncement of one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
The work that I AM doing in yielded hearts will be long lasting and bear much fruit for the building of My Kingdom. Many are having a massive heart surgery in march to heal, change and receive a revised vision of My Heart for My People.
My Timing is perfect and know that as I have sifted… Yes, sifted… everything that you have warred with has sifted right through My Fingers.
The familiar has been your comfort zone, but your extreme discomfort has taken you into a hunger zone that is designed to discipline and equip you for My Glory,” says The LORD. “Discipline and obedience are power twins.”
“The world has staged a parade and they are parading loudly the spirit of rebellion and bringing division and dishonor their true colors are coming forth.
But today the invitation has gone out to join a parade that is marching with the banner of love and unity flying high.
The banner of love is flying high and it is proclaiming to the world we are taking higher ground as we get in step with the beat of The Father’s heart.
The battle that lies ahead is strategically empowered for increase, deliverance and strength and it is being downloaded quickly to those who have ears to hear.
He is gathering together the faithful called out ones. He is connecting many to some you have never met before but his bond will be heart to heart and you will know them by their surrendered heart of love.
He has prepared your hearts and is fitting you together for a demonstration of power, wisdom, and love.
These three will be the threefold cord that brings the results of application and multiplication.
Unify to multiply is My Plan as I have divinely sifted, separated, and shifted you that you might be lifted up and brought up higher. That you would embrace my perspective on the battle” says the Captain of The LORD of Hosts.
These are the final instructions I received from The LORD marching forward when I replied, “Yes Sir”!
“These are the days that Elijah spoke of preparing the way of The LORD. Yes, the days of great harvest…
Be careful not to judge the things you do not understand or the repositioning of My People.
This is not the time to dwell on why but the time of unquestionable willing obedience.
Last, but not least, be sure to keep your love on at all times. It is your most powerful weapon.”
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Thank you.