HomeProphecyCan American Be Made Great Again?


Can American Be Made Great Again? — 4 Comments

  1. Elizabeth,

    Strong Word, but needed desperately by the church. It is so on target. God Bless you & your family.  BLESSINGS! Bev

  2. Yes! This is what He has said to me! I see energy, excitement, and hope for a better tomorrow but it all surrounds patriotism, freedom to sin not from sin, a man and his followers, and no repentance for abominations but instead acceptance! Where are His people who denounce abortion at all stages? Where are His people who once stood up and said homosexuality was evil and abhorrent? Why has the body of the risen Savior turned into a linked arm with what He hates and calls wickedness? No. There is no striving for turning to holiness. No one even saying it. Just grasping for whatever carnal hope in man’s power they can find. I miss the America of my youth and can see God trying to get our attention, but sadly the church is missing the opportunity. We need to pray for mercy in judgement and convicted hearts in DROVES.

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