HomeProphecyCalling all Scribes and Writers and Artists


Calling all Scribes and Writers and Artists — 14 Comments

  1. Hi! Concerning writing books, poems, prophecies, or songs, our Lord gave me this scripture:
    Psalm 144:1: Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle. I have been journaling with our Lord since Jan 3, 1977, when I first heard His still small voice. I had a total loss house fire May 4, 1997 and God saved 20 years of my journals. I only lost 2 pages of the notebook I had journaled in the morning of the fire, when He gave me 2 scriptures: Romans 8:28 and Psalm 46:10 a. I thought one of the reasons He put angels of fire around them was that they’d be needed for a book He may have me write of my life, on His timetable. Lately I have had the desire to write it. Thanks for your Word.
    Coming up and out of the wilderness, leaning on my Beloved. Donna S.

    • Dear Donna, What a lovely story. What an awesome time to be ready to be broken bread and poured out wine for the multitudes that are so hungry and thirsty for an encouraging word. I hear the Lord say, ‘I have made you ready, as you continue to lean in and rest in Him, His word will be released so beautifully through you. I saw a beautiful tapestry and He led me to the scripture Romans 8:28 in TPT..So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.’He is saying, This is the time you have labored for and the power of my love shall be released in ways you never dreamed of.’ Many blessings Donna as you pick up your pen and flow! Sandi Holman

  2. The Spirit of God

    Tap into your highest conscience
    Hear your innermost calling clear
    Eternal soul you’re on your journey
    Spirits with you and sincere
    Passing through with you on Eden
    Insync to free man from enslaved
    Rhymes that you write are to enlighten
    Investing in mankind to save
    Talk to the sick and lost and lonely
    Offer the love that you’ve been shown
    Fill their hearts till overflowing
    Guarantee their not alone
    One by one they’ll hear God calling
    Directing them to join him on their journey home

    Copyright © 2022
    All rights reserved

    • Good Morning Michael, What a beautiful comment. Thanks so much for sharing. You are a wonderful confirmation to what God is saying. The richness of his heart is flowing so beautifully through your pen as you share his heart for His beloved. Til the whole world knows, Sandi Holman

  3. I know this anointing. In june I completed 12 coloringbooks and a couple of notebooks. I am also working on true missionary stories. This is coming out of a divine energy God has given me for this scribal task. Praise His Name! Its all on my page dwbooksonline.com

    • How lovely to hear your story, David. I look forward to exploring what you have done. I so appreciate you sharing what the Lord is leading you to write for missionary stories and ways to read the children. Many blessings! Sandi Holman

  4. Thank You Prophet Sandi, This word reasonates with me
    I am finishing a book I have written for girls believing God for Resources and publisher to publish it . Thank you for sharing .God bless

    • How very exciting to see how the Lord is doing through you Gertie. It is the hour of power for sure to send the written word. Many blessings as you move forward with abundant resources. Sandi Holman

  5. I am praying that a new Christian Folk Music for singer-songwriters, will come into play: Not to entertain, but to bring praise and glory for the Kingdom.

  6. Dear Ms. Sandi,
    Thank you for this encouraging word today. As soon as I read the title of your post, I opened it. This is the second confirmation in as many weeks that I have received about writing, particularly, writing for children. My Dad encouraged me just last week and now your post. As I teach tiny tots, my heart is inclined toward the heart of children and I’ve had the desire to write for them for many years. Perhaps this is the time. Thank you for the encouragement. This has been a blessing. Sincerely, Gabriele

  7. Good beautiful Day Sandi. :)
    This is such a good word for me, thank you!!
    I’m a house painter, interior mostly.
    For the first time in the past 3 or so years I’ve found myself without anything scheduled for the last 3 weeks of July. I was inquiring of the Holy Spirit as to why this was. I soon after received a text from my cousin back home asking if I was free, I replied that, oddly enough, I was.
    It turned out her stepdaughter has moved back with her 4 children, but without daddy…soo sad. They moved into an old farmhouse which was in desperate need of some TLC!! My mom and dad are very close so I’ve been able to stay with them while I work on this home…it looks like a different house!! The children are soo grateful to have their rooms beautified and I’ve had opportunities for His Beautiful Spirit of Love to pour into and through me.
    I used to write alot but had a bit of a bad experience with the devils criticisms through deeply wounded people around me. I’ve been forgiving and repenting now for quite some time and have been thinking it’s time to pick up my paintbrush pens (literally) and begin to write again.
    Bless your beautiful heart Sandi, this word has blessed me much!!

    • Cheri, You are one amazing talented anointed woman of God! Take up that pen and go for it! Your creativity shows up on ever comment you send me. I love your pure transparent heart! Can’t wait to read what the Lord gives you! Love and blessings, Sandi

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