Broken for Christ’s Use
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Projecting Self Image?
Posturing to project a self made image may endear us to the world, but it means nothing to God.
He cares not for the outward appearance where men nod their heads in approval. He cares only for what is true in our hearts.
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24.
God’s Clarity and Our Vision
Have you ever found yourself staring at something that you could not quite make out?
Perhaps it appeared blurry because you were missing your glasses, or had just woken up. Or perhaps it was veiled by insufficient lighting.
No matter the case, it was not the object of our vision that was blurry or hard to make out.
With sufficient lighting and clear vision it would be perfectly distinguishable. Rather, what was amiss was our vision.
So often it is with the things of God. While we may not clearly see or understand it is not due to His lack of a clear plan. It is due to our lack of ability to comprehend it.
His plan remains the same. It is our ability to visualize it that must change.
When nothing makes sense anymore we need to stop questioning the clarity of God’s plan and begin questioning the clarity of our own vision.
Broken for Christ’s Use
Recently I was having a conversation with someone that used to be a close friend.
This person was once a believer but years ago they openly rejected God.
This person likes to poke at me because they know my level of faith in Jesus. Their position is that Jesus is a crutch for the weak minded and weak spirited to lean on.
In fact, they are more accurate than they may have thought.
I responded saying something that may have astonished them:
“I thank the LORD that He made me incomplete and broken.
It is one of His greatest blessings to me.
If I had not been broken, I would not have been searching for how to be made whole.
So while some may scoff and say, ‘I am good on my own and I certainly don’t need a crutch like Jesus.’
I say, ‘Thank you, LORD for making me the way that you did.’”
~ Mitch Salmon
Mitch Salmon
is the founder of Fisher of Men Productions and a follower of Jesus Christ and proclaimer of the Good News – The Gospel of Christ Jesus!
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