Breakthrough Word for June 2016
2 Chronicles 20:20 says BELIEVE THE PROPHETS so shall you PROSPER. The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for June 2016 we speak to the Christ of God in you and destroy the illegitimate authority that seeks to impede your destiny. (Transcription Below):
The Father says, I AM calling up prophets to the nations. I AM calling up nation confronting prophets who will confront the nations with My mercies, and confront the nations with My goodness and confront the nations with My lovingkindess.
The prince of the power of the air is being disenfranchised and My glory is being unsealed over the nations of the earth. The rain of My presence is being felt in the land even the rain of My glory.
Announce My goodness and annunciate My goodness for it is My goodness that brings men to repentance says the Father – let My goodness be in your mouth and My anointing will break every yoke and cause wickedness to be removed from the earth and the righteous to be established and remain in it.
I AM about to demonstrate My sovereignty in the earth says the Father.
I AM about to demonstrate My sovereignty by signs, and miracles and wonders that My people will be unable to marginalize and the nations will be unable to ignore.
So be called up into your mantle. Be called up into your moment.
This is the moment that the mantles in the earth are being released, activated and commissioned and that includes you.
Be a Father pleaser this day.
Refuse to be afraid of the faces of those who do not believe and will never believe.
Attach yourself to My purposes and do not turn to the right or to the left for a shift has been called for in the heaven and you are My herald to make it known in the earth!
~ Prophet Russell Walden
Prophet Russel Walden and wife Kitty were founders of Father’s Heart Ministry of Branson, Missouri. Prophet Russ travels internationally and in the USA ministering in the prophetic, bringing a new dimension to the prophetic through activation and impartation of God’s voice in your life. Russ comes from a long history in business world and full time pastoral ministry.
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