HomeProphecyBreakthrough Prophetic Word for June 2019:


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for June 2019: — 19 Comments

  1. “The angels assigned to these unwanted ones were there to deliver them not into the earth but into the heavens.” I disagree with this word. The “unwanted ones” WERE to be delivered into the earth; whiz! The selfish desires of people sent the unwanted ones to heaven. They were not sent to be murdered.

    “I AM resuscitating your highest heart’s desire and causing a fulfillment of all that I have promised.” Our hearts desire? Our hearts are desperately wicked. There are promises today to those who endure to the end will be saved.

  2. I recieve this word by faith and may it be unto me according to his word in Jesus name.


  4. Amen .I receive it in Jesus name. GOD BLESS YOU GREATLY PROPHET.May the lord increase you and the ministry a thousand times in Jesus name. pls pray for me to receive prophetic impartation. Thanks.

  5. I don’t know how this popped up on my newspage. I told my husband a couple months ago I don’t want to try anymore — after 9 years of trying. And this came up. How accurate is this man? There are so many false prophets, how do you know to believe? I would love to believe this. That part about dreams on life support — that was to me….but I’m scared to hope and try and get hurt more…

    • Hi Kay,

      WE totally understand your fear of further hurt and disappointment…

      WE have been and are there…

      WE can believe and trust the greatest prophet, JESUS…

      In His parable, JESUS said that the ‘unrighteous judge’ granted the persistent woman’s request, because of her ‘dogged’ persistence…

      How much more our RIGHTEOUS FATHER will grant the GODLY desires of those who ‘cry out to HIM day and night’…

      Hope this encourages you to BELIEVE again, HOPE again, TRUST again…

      Our heart and prayers are with you and your husband…


      Tyrone and Lorraine

    • Keep trusting the lord that’s the only thing the lord asks from us….he is never late to fulfil his promise. As long as the desire is there keep trusting in his word.

  6. Thank you for this word.  I have been praying and reading the Bible. I have been for years on this very issue.  God promised me a thriving Art Ministry when I was 5 years old.  I am now 63 years old.  I can relate to Elizabeth and Hannah.

  7. I need help that this month God will visit me in a different way

  8. We agree for many Sarahs & Hannahs will experience the joy of motherhood. All fear will be cast out & wombs considered dead will be opened.Even hearts who’s hopes & dreams have died will fearlessly open to love the unloved & embrace adoption as a true gift & call from God. The evidence of God’s love will shine brighter & brighter for all the world to see.

  9. I pray that all who have these precious waited for miracles give God all the glory. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercy never comes to an end, they are new every morning.”

    • Amen Amen Amen I have been claiming this that I will conceive this year!! I am holding on to the promises that my Lord has declared in my life..