Breakthrough and Victory on Every End!
Get ready for breakthrough and victory on every end, as you see the power of the righteousness of Christ Jesus rising up in you, giving you strength and power to run the race that is set before you!
I keep hearing the Father say to hope against hope and do not despise the trial that you are presently in, as you see things work to your good, causing you to abound in His promise, that you would not have otherwise seen!
God is bringing you strength and hope, causing your eyes to be opened so that you will see through the power of His Word, having the Mind of Christ, knowing of His faithfulness and goodness, that He will perform that which He has promised!
He says that His ways are above our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts, and do not lend your mind to the lie of the enemy that would discourage you, but simply lean upon His truth, and watch Him perform it!
Wait on the LORD and He shall renew your strength, He will mount you up on the wings of eagles, bringing you an outpouring of wisdom and power, and I hear HONOR as in Isaiah 61:7, GLORY TO GOD!
He says that this is the season for DOUBLE HONOR, where you have been smeared by the smear campaign of the enemy that has waged war against your soul, God says He is shutting the mouth of the lion, and like Daniel, you are coming out of the lion’s den!
He says some of you have been in a lion’s den with Jezebel oppressing you in a particular atmosphere, and God is throwing that spirit down, as in the days of Elijah, and to be encouraged knowing that He is giving you boldness and faith to stand against the powers of darkness, having done all STAND!
God is fashioning you in His armor where you will comprehend the Armor of God, knowing the revelation of Christ Jesus, to seize the Kingdom of Heaven by Force!
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin Kirby Gatto
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.
Dear Prophet
Kindly assist like two years a go i dreamed about three people wiring like satanic priest selling my white car, from there problem started in my lift i need God guidance please