HomeProphecyBreaking the Fear of Being Deceived


Breaking the Fear of Being Deceived — 1 Comment

  1. Hmmh. May be arguing over semantics, but I have a problem with the words ‘negative’ and ‘fear’. This smacks of the personality and the worldly ‘positive thinking/speaking’pseudo psychology that has made it’s way into the church and other institutes. I would also suggest that it is unscriptural and unwise. I do have the gift of discernment, but if I express something different to what is popular it is taken as being ‘negative’. It often ‘manifests’ in ‘feeling’ grieved, weeping and indignation, so I don’t ‘look’ as though I have ‘faith’. ‘Discernment’ and learning to hear the voice of God is primarily gained from reading the bible. The bible says to rebuke and warn. If someone is going to do something that is going to hurt them or have serious consequences, am I being ‘negative’ if I rebuke or warn them.  This is exactly why the church is in a mess.

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