Bold and Strong
Be bold and brave and strong in Me, says the LORD.
For I will fortify you, and strengthen you and help you, says the LORD.
Your heart will be knit with Mine, and you will have My thoughts in you. I will give you courage, and you will be filled with My might and power and glory.
You will stand up, straight and tall, and face adversity with determination to overcome in Me, by My Spirit in you, says the LORD.
I will give you My roar, and lion’s teeth, that you may assault the enemy and devour and destroy his diabolical works alongside of Me, says the LORD.
I will be your partner, and you will not be intimidated by the forces of darkness, but you will do great feats for Me and My Kingdom, as I empower you by My Spirit to overcome, and overwhelm the enemy.
As you stand, complete in Me, you will have the victory upon victory, and fearlessly engage in the warfare with Me.
You will chase after the enemy, as he runs from you, and you will take a great spoil from him.
You will raise up My banner, and claim new territory for Me, as you enforce My Kingdom on earth, and proclaim that I AM the King of Glory, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Yes and Amen I have deposited this one for sure.
The BEST is yet to come in 2018
Love & Blessings