Blaenannerch, Anointing Place of Revival
Blaenannerch Chapel Ministry Area
It’s five years ago today that I posted photos of our visit to Blaenannerch Chapel in Wales.
Blaenannerch was the place where, history records, God ‘bent’ Evan Roberts and anointed him for the Great Welsh Revival of 1904-6.
We had the great privilege of being invited as part of the team that organised a revival prayer meeting there in early July 2019.
During the trip there, we also visited Moriah Chapel, the revival birthplace, and the Bible College of Wales. The outstanding memory, however, is Blaenannerch.
Blaenannerch Chapel
The Chapel itself has nothing in particular to commend it to your memory — it is fairly typical of its type and age. Beautifully kept — clean and polished — but typical of its type.
So what’s so special there?
It’s very quiet and peaceful and, as I said, immaculately kept and maintained, but it is as you cross the threshold and enter that you are struck by the Anointing on the place.
One of our party was knocked down by the Anointing as she entered — as have many others before her and probably since.
That Anointing is as strong now, I suspect, as ever it was when Evan Roberts sat in one of the pews and cried, “Bend me , Lord, bend me!” Because that’s exactly what God did as He anointed the young Evan Roberts that day, September 29 in 1904.
The LORD ‘bent’ him, just as He has bent countless who have visited since then, including me.
I sat in Evan Roberts’ seat and I could do nothing but weep.
Whether for my own sin, or for Revival now, or something else, I know not!
I do know that I was invited into the ministry area shown in my photo, but I knew or felt very strongly that I would be standing on Holy Ground, and I didn’t dare set my foot there!
If I were to return today, I would still hesitate to enter that area of the Chapel.
The other photo [below] is of a plate, cup and saucer from the Chapel, used in the times of Revival which we had the honour of receiving in 2019 — a treasured bit of memorabilia of which we have two sets.
Now, why am I feeling inspired to relate all of this again today.
I feel a great unction to recall this for you all as a reminder of what to expect in the fast approaching Revival of Revivals!
There is coming to these days, a Mantle for Revival from The LORD, such as hasn’t been seen, nor experienced in living memory, if ever before!
Just a word of Warning — please don’t claim it for yourself for any reason — The LORD Himself will Anoint you and lay this Mantle upon you.
Not everyone can carry it — only those whom The LORD Himself Anoints, whom He has prepared for this moment.
I certainly haven’t claimed it for myself!
As with Blaenannerch Chapel, I feel it’s Holy Ground — too Holy for me unless The LORD has called me to it!
I dare not presume upon His Grace, and neither should any of us.
The LORD will Choose whom He will choose, and Anoint whom He will anoint!
I still feel the anointing of Blaenannerch even today, reading my memories from home, some 300 miles away.
I leave you with a blessing and with the two photos to ponder on.
God bless you all today and every day.

Blaenannerch Chapel plate, cup and saucer from Welsh Revival times.
Originally from 2019.
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Just read this word and shared, my brother. It really touched me! Thank you much, Joyce
Thank you for sharing the photos about Blaenannerch. We visited the chapel 22 years ago with the children. I didn’t know much about the Welsh revival prior to that, and I certainly could sense how it had left a blessing and spiritual legacy around Cardigan.
Thanks, Chris. Thank you for introducing such a beautiful place and its anointing. I really hope that I will be able to be a person who can share heavenly treasures with coffee.