Bigger Than You Think
“Hear The Word of The LORD!” says The King.
“Hear the hour that We are in, the hour of great Shaking and Redemption.
It’s much bigger than you think. For you are in an hour of great awakening,” says your God, “not only of the level and depth of darkness that has taken over in the world, but the bigger awakening of Who I AM and what I AM doing in this appointed hour,” says The LORD.
“For this is a great Tuning Point — a point when My Bride is waking up and rising to her place in Me,” says your King.
“For she has been asleep until now, not having the understanding that she needs to walk in the fullness of her purposes, in the Fullness of My Kingdom and in the Fullness of Me.
For We are to be as One,” (John 17:21) says The LORD, “and she is beginning to stir in the realization that Her Groom awaits her.
And as a Bride, she prepares herself to walk in union with her Beloved.
The hour has come, My Beloved. It is time to ready yourself to walk in all I have prepared for you, to know the width and length and depth and height (Ephesians 3:18) of My Love for you.
It’s time to become the manifest sons and daughters of the Living God (Romans 8:19), and to live in the beauty of all that I have prepared for you.
For I have prepared a beautiful life for you, and the one you have been living does not resemble the one I have intended for you.
So come close to Me! Hear My Heart for you.
Behold My Face that looks at you with infinite Love and Adoration.
Be lost in the oceans of My Love and Goodness, and rejoice that there is so much more than what you’ve known so far.
For it is a New Day, and I AM doing a new thing, and it’s bigger than you think!”
End of Word!
“Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19.
~ Marietta Wilkinson
Marietta Wilkinson is a Prophetic Voice called to usher in The Fire and Glory of The LORD for such a time as this.
Find Marietta at @swordofthekingdom (Telegram) and at praying_scripture (Instagram)
So beautifully spoken from the heart of the Father, Marietta! HE can make our BIG look small! Abundant blessings, Sandi Holman
Whew! Amen. May the Lord pour back in what you’ve pour out mighty woman of GoD.
Marietta, first thing I wrote in my journal this morning: NEW DAY, NEW PAGE!
Thank you for this! Pray that I/we wouod be able to rise into all God has called us to be!