Beloved, You Are a Gold Mine!
As I am discovering some hidden treasures in this very “timely wilderness” experience with The LORD, I realize I am in a time of testing for the assignment I am carrying.
I have been digging deeper into the well He has called me to uncap. I am being given The Spirit of Discipline to endure my cross for the joy He has set before me.
I am thanking God for sold out surrendered vessels speaking truth with the anointing that breaks the yoke.
During this past resurrection day celebration, I have come alive with new revelation from these hidden treasures that I so need today — how about you?
“Beloved, you are a GOLD MINE.”
The Father is asking His Children….
“Where is your treasure? Where your treasure is, your heart is.”
He is saying, “You are My Treasure! It is the now time to unzip the hidden treasure stored up in earthen vessels!. You are not just a zip file hidden on your computer of memories!”
As I have been de-cluttering all the writings, articles, bundles of notes, treasures popping up here and there out of dressers, boxes, file cabinets and various treasure chests I have gathered over the years, I realized I have just discovered a huge collection full of lost treasures.
As I am embellishing this manna in my “timely wilderness” experience with The LORD, I find that oftentimes, I have truly “dressed it up” in my imagination to become something meaningful someday but instead, I had buried many hidden treasures within me that were truly hidden manna given to me by The LORD .
Are you getting a download from things you thought you knew but HE alone is putting a “new spin” on.
He seems to be calling forth the deep waters that your memory was buried in or should I say “sunk down into”.
Let Him uncover ALL the HIDDEN TREASURE in YOU that YOU are carrying. Let Him pull every hidden jewel out of the treasure chest into the light.
is ready to do a “big reveal” and display what He is bringing to birth in a beautiful way as only HE can do.
He is digging up all the gold in you waiting to be mined for it has become stagnant. Mining gold by definition is done by by the method of Placer Mining.
“PLACER MINING is the technique by which gold that has accumulated in a placer deposit is extracted. Placer deposits are composed of relatively loose material that makes tunneling difficult, and so most means of extracting it involve the use of water or dredging.” ©
That method speaks volumes to me as I see and experience the fragments of treasures being extracted by “dredging or digging up” by The LORD, cleansed and washed with living water to produce pure gold that is no longer just loose material that has no tunnel to pass through but is being extracted and processed to be a purified treasure.
All of these things carry memories of times gone by, experiences that were staged for me by a loving Father, pieces of lessons learned, trials and tests that seemed to never end and also new beginnings of wisdom stored up for such a time as this.
The LORD is looking for PREPARED HEARTS, not prepared messages.
Your real Hidden treasure worth more than gold is His heart that you are called to carry. Listen carefully to the rhythm of his heartbeat in the midst of the chattering chaos.
We all have hidden treasures that are being called forth in this hour that strengthen, bring hope and send forth love that never fails.
I hear the Father saying to me, “Tell them, “YOU are a HIDDEN TREASURE to someone! Come on out of hiding for I AM calling forth all the treasures I have placed in you.
Get off of the clearance rack that you see yourself on for this is your finest hour.
You, beloved are a GOLD MINE. It shall break all the records of the stock market as you buy into all that I have invested in you says The LORD.”
Know that this is a time when The LORD of Glory is bringing forth new hidden treasures for hope deferred and multitudes shall come to a sudden understanding of what it means to be “surprised by GRACE”, as their hearts are filled with PEACE and wrapped up in the arms of a Loving Father that they never knew.”
I heard clearly this morning, “Daughter, declare this: ‘NO MORE ORPHANS and I AM raising up mature leaders — real fathers and mothers for this generation.
Many shall bubble up with JOY unspeakable as FAITH arises out of the depths of their heart replacing the despair that had caused death to their dreams and passions.
It is time to unzip the hidden treasure stored up in earthen vessels.”
The solid rock foundation of God shall open up the hidden treasure chest of truth to call the prodigals home and to break open the hard hearts of those in total desperate need of a savior.
I seem, to be repeating myself of this message because The LORD keeps sending this reassuring word that HE is not a man that HE should lie but HE is the REAL PROMISE KEEPER.
Yes, also the Way-maker and Miracle-worker that some only sing about but shall come to know.
Yes… the fathers are coming forth — the children are being restored to the fathers and the fathers to the children.
“But much more than that,” says The Father, “there shall be generations of honor being restored and awakened to shine as a golden treasure as the fear of God arises ushering in the Glory of God.
Treasures long forgotten and buried in the sand shall be washed by the turning tide of hearts revived with resurrection life.
You are a treasure in the heart of a good good Father.”
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
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