Believe and Receive!
Those who stand with their hands stretched out and believing, they shall receive. They will know Me as a good Father, for I will never forsake you, never leave you.
Even when you are going through the valley do not despair for I AM there, even in the valley to lift you up, to cause you to walk on high mountains. So do not look at the situations nor the circumstances of life for I AM there with you, and I AM there to deliver you to bring you out into a mighty strong land.
This is My promise to those who believe and it will not quit and it will not give up for I will not quit and I will not give up, and My promises are sure to those who believe. So I say to you, keep on believing, don’t quit believing for I AM faithful to watch over My word, every moment to perform it.
I have not forgotten one word that I have spoken over you, it is a yes and an amen. I have sealed it in heaven, now seal it in your own heart. I am good!
The LORD went to the cross, He was brutally beaten, and it looked like he was forsaken, but it lead to the promise being fulfilled. Even in the midst of whatever you are going through, it may look like I have forsaken you, but know this, I will never forsake you.
In fact, I AM bringing you to the perfection, just like I brought My son. He is the example of how I treat My sons and My daughters, I raise them up from a place of desperation and from the valley,
I lift them up from circumstances and situations, so that they will know that it is My glory, My anointing, and they will learn to trust Me, not in the arm of flesh, and they will give Me glory.
I bring the dead back to life just like I did with My son. I resurrect dreams, visions, and purposes. You are My sons and My daughters, it is a honor, and as you press in to seek My face, I will lift you up from the dead valleys of dry bones, and I will bring fresh new life to you.
If you believe, if you receive, if you stay faithful all the way through. The promises are to those who remain faithful, who endure says the LORD, and those who endure shall inherit My promises.
Understand this, says the Spirit of Grace and Mercy, it is not given to those who are weak of mind, for I have said if you shall faint not you shall inherit.
So do not faint, do not become weary, but hold your head up and press on says the LORD. I have made you out of better things than you thought you were, and I will bring you to the fulfillment of My word.
“So we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen; for the things which are visible are temporal [just brief and fleeting], but the things which are invisible are everlasting and imperishable,” 2 Corinthians 4:18.
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not,” Galatians 6:9.
“Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection,” Romans 6:4-5.
~ Debra Lowe
Pastor Debra Lowe has served the LORD for 39 years as a Prophet to the nation. She also walks in the office of teacher and is an intercessor using these gifts to minister to the body of Christ, teaching men, women and children to enter into His presence causing them to mature and be changed by His Word. As a servant of the Most High God she brings forth a word in due season to the body of Christ.
Hope is rising. Thank you so very much for such comforting words. Amen!