Being Child Like
There is a difference between being an “Adult child” and “Child-like”.
“Adult child” behavior is paranoid and fears that you will never be good enough, please others enough or be truly valued by others simply by being “yourself ” rather than a “false self”.
Jesus fully knew when He submitted as God to come to earth as a Savior, that He would be vulnerable and totally dependent on a pair of young parents on earth, but they were guided by scriptures and the “Voice From Heaven.”
Friend! You do not need to fear that you are not good enough or do not “do enough” or are not perfect enough to please God!
He wants you and I to fully trust Him like a wee child does an honest and loving parent. No performance needed to be accepted into the arms of heaven. NO!
If we’re not careful, we quickly outgrow our ability to experience awe and wonder and childlike trust. We quickly become too “mature,” too “sophisticated,” too “well- educated” to experience anything like awe and wonder.
We replace wonder with facts, awe with theories, and reverence with equations.
Not that long ago, people used to look up from a darkened prairie or desert and would intently gaze into the nighttime sky to see a velvet blanket of stars stretching from horizon to horizon. It often overwhelmed them. It was awe-inspiring and was absolutely a beautiful mystery.
Late one night recently as I was taking the weekly garbage, I looked up at the night sky. It was full of bright stars.
I love this time of year because the skies at night are generally cloudless, so there is the array of planets, constellations, and even galaxies that can be seen with the naked eye.
I always get thrilled when I see them so clearly! In response or reaction, I usually thank God for such a glorious sight, and then, I wish that I could actually travel through space to see the wonders of creation in person!
I find myself closer to God through looking at His amazing handiwork, drinking in the wonders of His loving creation right there for me to delight in.
I feel His presence in a deep, absorbing way that I never experience elsewhere. I guess that it’s because I feel so tiny compared to the gigantic globes that beautifully sparkle across the heavens.
I think to myself that if God could create all the vastness of the universe, then how almighty and powerful He truly must be!
But if I begin to feel small or insignificant, I remember these wonderful words of Scripture:
Psalm 8:3-4 –
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you care for and take notice of him, the son of man that you care for him?” (NIV).
Maybe you are feeling downhearted or vulnerable today. Maybe you think that you’re not important or significant.
Perhaps you’re depressed about your life or feel forgotten by everyone around you.
Please know this: The One Who created the stars and calls them each by their own name, fully knows every single thing about you and loves you.
You are not forsaken or abandoned; you are not unimportant or insignificant to Him. You are a child of His grace, made of the same stuff as the glorious stars, and given an everlasting soul that will always be loved, embraced, and known to God through Jesus Christ.
Simply, (just like a child would), ask your Heavenly Father to fully come into every broken and weak place of trust in your life.
Give Him your full heart like a child, reaching up with your arms towards His that are opened wide to pull you into His safe embrace.
Let go of your need to control your environment and those around you! Allow the loving Father in heaven to show you where you have hardened your heart to childlike trust and obedience. Learn again the “Wonders of His Love”!
When was the last time that you looked at the stars?
What does their existence tell you about God?
Let’s Pray:
Lord God, You are the Creator of all things and the Lover of all living beings.
Your power is majestically displayed across the heavens and also intimately felt within my soul.
Thank You for allowing me life and letting me enjoy the wonders of Your Love!
In Jesus’ name, I thankfully pray. Amen.
In His Shadow,
~ Mary Lindow ©
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed as long as complete message and website information for Mary Lindow is included. Thank You!
” THE MESSENGER ” ~ Mary Lindow
Global Prayer Rooms
Mary Lindow has a passion for encouraging others – all generations, careers or vocations to live expressing excellence through personal integrity, healthy accountability, and wise management of talents and skills. She’s a sought after keynote, inspirational, humorous speaker and teacher across the USA and internationally in Ministers & Spiritual leaders Conferences, and training seminars for various organizations.
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