Be Strong in Me!
“Be strong in Me,” says The LORD.
“For all that you need is available for you. I will not withhold strength from you.
“I will give you more than enough. You need not ever fall nor fail. For I AM with you to give you good success, and always cause you to be triumphant in Me!
“Victory is the prescription that I have for your life. I have written in the books a success story for your life and decreed this over you before you took your first breath on earth.
“I know the good thoughts that I have for you, and the plans are in place. Trust in My power to equip you and furnish you, as I lead you into your full destiny purpose in Me,” says The LORD.
“All that I have for you is good,” says The LORD.
“I AM not leading you into a dessert place that is dry and unproductive. I will rain on your territory, as I open My windows in heaven and pour out My Blessings upon you.
“You will not be unproductive, for as you plant your seeds of faith, I will cause them to grow.
“I will expand you, and you will be mature in Me. You will be a blessing to many, as I give you more than enough.
“You will not just have resources, but I will make you a conduit of blessings upon blessings, and you will be a strength to the weak, encouragement to the oppressed, and a light in the darkest night to those who are seeking refuge from the raging storms of life.
“Your Destiny is not mere survival, but a sanctuary for many.
“As you take your position in My Kingdom as a mighty vessel of honor that I can use for My Glory, you will rescue the perishing, and many will come into My Kingdom because of you,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Thank you, my dear sister June, for one more strong comfort and encouragement. Without any pride I want to confirm your words respective the input from THE LORD, particularly the last sentence.