HomeProphecyBe Ready, Much Coming!


Be Ready, Much Coming! — 3 Comments

  1. This word in its entirety spoke to me and my family.

    I was surprised to read “Some of you will need to move or change your location, as the area you are in will not be safe for you or your families.”

    The intensifying months spiritual and physical battle led us to conclude that my family might be needing to leave our home to find safety elsewhere we know not of. On surface it is not a persecution but we feel that we face a battle against the territorial principality. It was a sense but this word hits home to me.

    • I was wondering , if you could explain the line in your reply, where you and family sense.” We face a battle against The Territorial principality” I was visiting in Colorado a few years ago, and the presence of what I discerned was that of a territorial principality. It seemed very interested in knowing who I was and why I was there. I could feel the presence of God’s angels protecting , as they stood between me and this Territorial Principality.  I could see thru spiritual discernment it was observing me. I had enough sense to know that this was not a small spirit. Why all this was allowed to happen I don’t know , but I have never forgotten the experience. For anyone who thinks the spirit realm does not exist they’re going to be in for a rude awakening very soon. And for anyone who doesn’t know Jesus, this is a very real time to choose which side you’re gonna be on and stay there.  I believe with all my heart, this is the only way we will survive the last days.

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