The Lasso of His Fiery Love!
I heard the Father say, Daughter, the Lasso of My Fiery Love now goes forth to rescue those that are lost and living in a far and distant land.
Continue reading →I heard the Father say, Daughter, the Lasso of My Fiery Love now goes forth to rescue those that are lost and living in a far and distant land.
Continue reading →This morning I heard the Father ask us a very poignant question; “Whose report will you believe?”
Continue reading →I prophesy: God is about to move in an unexpected and an unprecedented way in the United Kingdom.
Continue reading →I have concealed and hidden you, making you invisible to the devourer that comes to steal the new portion that I have assigned for you,” says God.
Continue reading →The river of fire and glory is carrying a fresh fire and a fresh anointing to the nations, a river of glory that will transform and change all it touches.
Continue reading →God is a consuming fire, who can stand against him? He is the God who answers by fire, going before us to burn up our enemies.
Continue reading →As Heaven moves, earth will shake and hell will tremble, for God is about to release a fresh baptism of fire and boldness upon His faith-filled warriors.
Continue reading →“How difficult it is for me to fathom Your thoughts about me, o God! How vast is their sum total!”
Continue reading →France hear the Word of the LORD, “The living waters of revival and restoration are now rising, rising, rising in the land.”
Continue reading →Our gracious, beautiful and bounteous God and Father of Heaven is opening wide before us the vast treasures of His Kingdom riches and I hear Him call to us.
Continue reading →I heard the Holy Spirit speak these words so clearly, “The season of endurance is now giving way to a new season of unspeakable enrichment and enjoyment”
Continue reading →For two days I have had this beautiful and stunning vision where I saw the Prince of Glory, Jesus, bending down and passionately kissing His Church.
Continue reading →Our hearts must be aligned and attuned with the heart of the Father if we are to hear what His intended Will, purpose and direction is for our lives.
Continue reading →As I prayed early this morning I heard the words, “It has already begun, I AM making room in the month of June”!
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