You Will Be Okay
I have written many articles on the end times with a central theme: Bad is coming, but Jesus is good and He is with you.
Continue reading →I have written many articles on the end times with a central theme: Bad is coming, but Jesus is good and He is with you.
Continue reading →A few nights ago, I had a dream about the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States of America.
Continue reading →Jesus wants people to see Him clearly. Jesus often uses coincidences or patterns in your life to get your attention.
Continue reading →We know bad things are on the horizon, because Jesus told us in John 16:33 that we would experience tribulations.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Do not think My Children that I only speak to prophets and a few other people. That is not true.”
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit says, “My Sons and Daughters. Be with Me for I AM very well pleased with you. I care very much for you and I Love you with all of My Heart.”
Continue reading →The enemy is showing their strength lately. At times, it seems like the enemy is in total control for sin is everywhere.
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit showed me how New York City will be hit by a terrorist attack in the near future.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “You will see great blessings in your life in the coming times. I will promote you and help you in this season. Great things will happen to you.”
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit says: “Listen My People, to the Words I have to say. We are in the end times and many bad things are happening.”
Continue reading →The beginning of Hebrews, chapter 6, talks about the importance of growing your faith.
Continue reading →All good things in your life come from Jesus. He wants to honor you and bless you all the days of your life.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I see you hurt and upset and frustrated at what is happening in the world today, but do not worry, for I AM here.”
Continue reading →God honors those who honor Him. A great way to honor God is by practicing the Sabbath rest.
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