God’s Provision
In the Old Testament we learn in the books of Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, how God provided for the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness after they left Egypt.
Continue reading →In the Old Testament we learn in the books of Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, how God provided for the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness after they left Egypt.
Continue reading →Everybody knows that when America 🇺🇲 coughs, the world world — including Jamaica 🇯🇲 — will sneeze, or when one sneezes, the other catches a cold.
Continue reading →Shalom! As INTERCESSORS and as children of God, one of the tactics that the devil will use to silence your prayers is the spirit of Discouragement!
Continue reading →Sad to say but many will not be able to endure the tribulation and will either commit suicide or wickedly depart from God.
Continue reading →There are many of us who are deeply wounded and harboring or reminiscing on hurts done to us.
Continue reading →The Woman at the well in the book of John, chapter 4, had an unfulfilled longing, one that was far beyond the physical aspect of her life.
Continue reading →It is not easy as a human being, when one is pressed with the challenges of life!
Continue reading →Last night as lay on my bed I perceived The Hold Spirit begin to speak to me and I heard, “The Gospel has become too aesthetic!”
Continue reading →No one has to tell me about the chastening of The LORD, because I know it quite well having had my share of struggles, tests and trials.
Continue reading →In 2 Timothy 2 :4-5 we see the Apostle Paul admonishing and exhorting his spiritual son Timothy and leading him into his apostolic succession encouraging him to REMAIN FOCUSED!
Continue reading →The present generation, though not directly responsible for those past sins, is experiencing the repercussion and divine punishment.
Continue reading →We continue steadfast in Prayer, because another’s negative thoughts and imaginations about you have the potential of creating negative energy to act or work against you.
Continue reading →In the Jeremiah 9 we learn that Jerusalem and Judah were facing imminent destruction due to their persistent disobedience and rebellion against God.
Continue reading →Keep on pressing on even without the accolades, recognition, spotlight and carnal rewards!
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