God’s Reach or Ability is Not Diminished in You!
My security is in God’s Presence alone! In solitude I have learned to be still and to be silent from the world. As I do this it creates space to walk forward.
Continue reading →My security is in God’s Presence alone! In solitude I have learned to be still and to be silent from the world. As I do this it creates space to walk forward.
Continue reading →We are taking the land and taking back everything that was stolen from us and The Kingdom of God.
Continue reading →Our Commander and Chief are pursuing every lost soul and giving them help to see and choose life or death, blessing or cursing.
Continue reading →“For My Chosen Ones have come from great obstacles to great strength as you have merged, learned to hone in, and to focus,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →As a woman of God, my life and AIM is service to God and to minister to God as we minister to others.
Continue reading →I have been hidden for a long time and a loner — some from being shy, and others from serious abuse and the blows I have suffered.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “I AM saying for those who stand in the middle, that they will have to choose who they will stand by — or won’t!”
Continue reading →I believe all things are known and clearly seen by God, and I know we are called to endure all things until the end.
Continue reading →For those who are suffering in silence, even while in Churches… Are you frustrated even more than you were while you sat to hear?
Continue reading →True Prophets and or Prophetic Intercessory Groups are loyal to Christ and His messages.
Continue reading →God has said that Judgment must come to The House of God. The Cross has never been a popular topic — but we need it now more than ever.
Continue reading →It is important to pray diligently and to know your circle of ministry friends. We are to KNOW those who labor among us.
Continue reading →None of us are islands to ourselves, and no matter how mature we become physically, emotionally, and spiritually, we all still struggle at times.
Continue reading →God was speaking loud and clear when the prophet Samuel had waited and mourned, because the scripture says that Samuel mourned!
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