Put on Your Beautiful Garments!
The LORD spoke this to my heart upon waking, “Put on your beautiful garments, you who love righteousness!”
Continue reading →The LORD spoke this to my heart upon waking, “Put on your beautiful garments, you who love righteousness!”
Continue reading →I can see a glimpse in the spirit realm — The LORD our VICTORIOUS ONE as a mighty, burnished bronze warrior!
Continue reading →“You are not your own! You are bought with a price. The culmination of the Ages has come. The cry of Saints and Angels — Arise!” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Draw close and quiet your heart in My Presence. Understand that I have fashioned an eternal place for you here within My heart,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Precious child of God, the following are “Testimonies of Jesus,” His Holy Spirit speaking and showing to me heavenly realities that relate to earthly matters.
Continue reading →As I was in my worship intercession this morning The LORD gave me a vision encounter, taking me up into the Heavenly realms just above the clouds.
Continue reading →“…As doves we fly to the window”… watching and waiting in the Heavenly realms through worship and intercession… drawing close…. listening for the Master’s call.
Continue reading →This comes from a place of deep travail, as I am ministering behind the scenes. May We Be Found In Him and May His Heart Be Found in Us.
Continue reading →Behold from His heavens God does speak; the earth doth tremble and quake; and all that’s been contrived in the heart of man; will surely now crumble and break.
Continue reading →As I typed this Word I heard Church bells ringing and I remembered that this year the first day of Hanukkah falls on Christmas Day.
Continue reading →A follow-up to Veronika West’s word “The Apostolic Elders Council Statement Regarding a False Trump Word” and the APCE response.
Continue reading →I have been hearing of so many who have loved ones with severe Cv symptoms and wanted to share a testimony with steps to BOOST FAITH.
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