Dissolution of the Passing Evil World
The United States of America as it was in the past, is now being consumed by evil before our eyes.
Continue reading →The United States of America as it was in the past, is now being consumed by evil before our eyes.
Continue reading →Human strength will not stand in the events of this historical transformational season of this world.
Continue reading →Many people — including some believers — do not have a clear personal and specific understanding of God’s purpose for their lives.
Continue reading →Heavenly supernatural power of Love is the strength for the creation of the New Gardens of Heaven on earth.
Continue reading →Among the vast jungle of the world, God is establishing Spirit Garden spots here and there across the world.
Continue reading →Many Christian believers, especially in America, are not prepared for the spiritual realities of the manifesting Kingdom Age.
Continue reading →The eternal everlasting kingdom of God in Heaven has been planted into the world by Christ Jesus the Savior, LORD, and King of all things in this world.
Continue reading →Many of God’s people, especially young people, are today being called by God to a passionate fresh focus for their lives.
Continue reading →For many years I read and studied The Bible as my life, my guide and source of direction. The Living Word continued to amaze me and to yield new light and meaning.
Continue reading →The world continues to increasingly become totally divided. The divide reaching from individuals within a family to communities and to the whole world.
Continue reading →Supernatural love, wisdom, and power from God are required to save and transform this world into God’s designed destiny.
Continue reading →There are some specific Keys to receiving the Biblical Revelation of the now age of manifesting Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
Continue reading →The world is currently immersed in mass deception leading to a form of massive insanity or mental illness.
Continue reading →Powerful secrets of divine ancient mysteries from heaven for earth are being revealed into God’s chosen remnant Bride people for distribution to all who will believe.
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