Is it Time to fight?
So, who or what or where is the source of our problems that we are to fight? What really is the source of the problems of our lives and the world?
Continue reading →So, who or what or where is the source of our problems that we are to fight? What really is the source of the problems of our lives and the world?
Continue reading →Do not be discouraged by the great turmoil coming about in the world. God has never lost control, and His mercy is forever. His love never fails.
Continue reading →Who can clearly hear God? Only those who are intimately related to God, those who not only know Him but are intimately known by Him.
Continue reading →An explosion of God’s love & empowerment awaits all who arise from the tomb of fear and doubt. Bold as a lion is the son who knows his Father’s love & blessing
Continue reading →We’ve already entered and now live in a time of greatly accelerated revelation and empowerment of God coming forth in His people, a day of sudden enlightenment.
Continue reading →God wants to ignite an explosion of joyful powerful life beyond measure, passion and strength aflame with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Continue reading →Peace is in God, even in the times of severe worldly adjustments. Our peace doesn’t come from the world. Love God’s people and He will give you His kingdom.
Continue reading →There exist two circles or realms of reality: one of which is God’s order, the other is inverted or opposite. The two realities were originally as one.
Continue reading →A deep and very real love relationship with God and with one another is the only substance that will bring forth the real Kingdom of God on earth.
Continue reading →This move of God is completely from God inside of us, not a platform or pulpit move. A Spirit move inside the hearts of God’s people, changing us from within.
Continue reading →The past in our lives, whether we good or bad, was for the purposed to move us toward a continuing life experience and the fullness of the love of God.
Continue reading →The Kingdom of God on earth is established by His love. It holds together and functions by His love. Love never fails and His kingdom never ends.
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