A Day of Deliverance to Freedom
Much of the western world has adjusted to bondage that gradually overtook them in the name of freedom.
Continue reading →Much of the western world has adjusted to bondage that gradually overtook them in the name of freedom.
Continue reading →Make no mistake, the Kingdom of God will not fail. Nations have come and gone and will continue to come and go from great influence in this world.
Continue reading →As we look for real hope that brings peace in a troubled world, the trumpets of God are sounding a call in a world filled with explosions and screaming sirens.
Continue reading →The great next move of God is flowing now like a very deep river that hardly appears to be moving on the surface but is actually moving massive amounts of water.
Continue reading →We, meaning you and me and all who love God and His kingdom, are greatly blessed beyond measure to be a part of what God is doing in our world today.
Continue reading →Turn our hearts and minds toward the beauty of the holiness of Father God, Creator and LORD of all, Christ Jesus for whom and through whom all things were made.
Continue reading →The once shrouded and somewhat distant view of the kingdom of God within His people is today quickly becoming a much more brilliantly shining reality.
Continue reading →The time of testing is ending as My people are coming through to the end and entering into the beginning of that which has always been.
Continue reading →The most glorious, peaceful, and fulfilling life of joy on earth is life in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and His righteous way of life is now available on earth.
Continue reading →I remember during World War II, after supper gathering around the radio listening to President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in what he called a “Fireside Chat.”
Continue reading →The beauty of holiness flows from Jesus, penetrating, purifying, and filling our being with His pure holy love.
Continue reading →I see a generation of joy standing high upon the mountain of God singing praises to heaven and flowing abundance of love and peace to the valleys below.
Continue reading →This is written from the heart of God under mandate to remove death and bestow life to the people of God on earth now, and in the season just ahead of us.
Continue reading →Demonstration of the supernatural gifts of God in His humble servants by the Holy Spirit of God will change the minds and hearts of many people
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