Beware the Counterfeit Spirit of Prophecy
Stay away from the unclean things. Seek God to what is unclean and that which is clean. Do not fall for a polluted message of grace.
Continue reading →Stay away from the unclean things. Seek God to what is unclean and that which is clean. Do not fall for a polluted message of grace.
Continue reading →God, I plead with you to cause us, your children, to see you. God, please do not let us stay the same, but be forever transformed by the Word in power.
Continue reading →Press into God and be not afraid but simply walk in his great peace, knowing that His glory is your rear guard!
Continue reading →Saints of God, it is necessary in this hour to know The WORD in greater measure, knowing that the faith of that word will be tested in every way possible!
Continue reading →He will raise you up in the time of trouble! He will raise you with grace! Run into His arms! Your father will lift you up in His arms!
Continue reading →Know that things are about to happen in the nations and church, where Hamans will be exposed and removed. Mordecais will be brought in a place of honor!
Continue reading →Understand how a declaration in the secular, can change and unleash troubles in the spiritual. Christians must always remember we are at WAR in the spiritual.
Continue reading →The message to the Church from The Lord for these times is: Repent and Overcome, Repent and Overcome, Repent and Overcome!
Continue reading →There’s an increase of God’s word piercing the hearts of the Saints in this hour! There is a holy trembling at God’s Word being released by the living God…
Continue reading →When the enemy comes in like a flood God raises a standard against him! The standard does not need to be raised unless the enemy is flooding you!
Continue reading →There has been something heavy on my heart this morning by the Holy Spirit that i have to share; it is so grieving.
Continue reading →Lord God, cleanse us by Your mercy. Cause us to see your throne of grace and run to it for Your mercy! Lord God help us!
Continue reading →We are about to hit a greater level of knowledge, wisdom and understanding that has yet to be seen!
Continue reading →Promotion always come from the low place to the higher place! That is why when God is preparing you for the call its as though you are growing in humility!
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