Oh Lord God, Forgive Us!
Lord God, we pray that you keep our conscience clean, where we have allowed the things of this world to attach to it.
Continue reading →Lord God, we pray that you keep our conscience clean, where we have allowed the things of this world to attach to it.
Continue reading →I call forth a quickening by God’s Holy Spirit to bring forth a hard blast of His ruach to cause your understanding to grow you strong in spirit.
Continue reading →I myself had been going through warfare and wanted to leave ministry thinking there was someone else much more qualified than I, to do what I was doing.
Continue reading →Put up godly boundaries to keep you from being distracted; the enemy is trying to bring in distractions so that we do not focus on the call of Christ Jesus!
Continue reading →I tell you truly that I have drawn you from depths of your soul, where roaring deep has been crying unto Me.
Continue reading →Father says, I shaped your destiny before you were in your mother’s womb, as I wrote in the great book, your very life.
Continue reading →Excerpt from ~ At His Feet ~ Chapter 5 ~ Detrimental Devices by Robin Kirby Gatto
Continue reading →I pray Holy Spirit quicken you and make you of quick understanding of the reverential and worshipful fear of the LORD God, reviving you in the anointing you have been called to by the LORD of host!
Continue reading →I take authority over that lying spirit that has lied to you telling you that you need man’s approval and acceptance for the call to which God has called you!
Continue reading →The LORD says, he is healing their backsliding, as he heals their hearts, giving them strength and power to know the truth of His Word that will set them free.
Continue reading →Let me preface this with OFFENSE WILL COME! The Holy Spirit allows offense to come, because offense is to shovel out of us what is not of God.
Continue reading →Do you not know that He is the Living God, Who proclaims His glory and His mercy, to those whom I desire to show His great love?
Continue reading →The LORD says: “I gave you your personality. Do not try to conform or fit in with others, feeling as though you do not measure up.”
Continue reading →Last night, God gave me a vision of Putin and I saw like on a headline of news “Putin will decide.” When I saw this, God then said tell the saints “to pray.”
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