Who Hath Believed Our Report?
The air needs to be cleared about a few things.
Continue reading →The air needs to be cleared about a few things.
Continue reading →Which comes first; following Christ, or following the Apostles?
Continue reading →God has been watching this country. We well know now what is meant about money being the root of all evil.
Continue reading →If we truly desire to follow the Spirit, then we first have to have that earnest desire, and we have to listen.
Continue reading →God has no intention for our age group to die, and everything we know and have learned about Him to go with us. It’s just not going to happen.
Continue reading →The Holy Ghost is again beginning to move on people in their homes; manifesting a depth many of us once knew before.
Continue reading →Too many people in the world, even among those who state that they are in the body of Christ, will take meekness, for weakness. They’ll flatten you if they can.
Continue reading →When the LORD went about preaching and teaching, the religious folk followed Him everywhere. They were at every gathering where He spoke or traveled, and saw every miracle that He did.
Continue reading →All along this winding trail called life, there was one who never took his eye off of the trail; or, the one walking on it.
Continue reading →How do people really know that we have the Holy Ghost? What is it about us that assures them that we have truly been born of the Spirit?
Continue reading →It is part of our history, that many taught things ministered by the Holy Ghost, without any formal training.
Continue reading →I felt it drifting across my spirit for a few days now. There are some changes that are in order; they have been ordained by the One who has created all things.
Continue reading →Have you ever witnessed such sadness, such destruction, such broken lives and such a multitude of those, who just don’t care about any one else but them and theirs?
Continue reading →If you truly desire to move as the Spirit wishes to move, you are always on call. At the most unexpected moment, when you might least expect it, He speaks to you, and you follow.
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