Spiritual Preparation as We Enter Into 2025
This past year, The LORD has spoken to me on numerous occasions of the end of all things being at hand, the time being closer than anyone thinks, and that time is up!
Continue reading →This past year, The LORD has spoken to me on numerous occasions of the end of all things being at hand, the time being closer than anyone thinks, and that time is up!
Continue reading →Yea, the Spirit of The LORD would say, “A time of great trouble and trial is just ahead for the people of God!”
Continue reading →There is a time of trouble and tumult coming to this nation sooner than ANYONE thinks!
Continue reading →As a child of God, is your heart heavy? Do you feel the weight of this world and all that is in it?
Continue reading →Though many would rather not acknowledge it, The Body of Christ needs to become acquainted with suffering!
Continue reading →On September 30th, 2023 after seeking The LORD for 3½ hours for what He would have me to share, The LORD said, “Weighed in the balance and found wanting!”
Continue reading →Is The Church world paying attention? It would appear — by and large — NO — most are as lukewarm as they’ve ever been!
Continue reading →You never thought Tribulation would ever come, but now it is here. You thought you would be taken out before hard times came, but you were lied to by false teachers and false prophets.
Continue reading →The hour is extremely late. We are closer to the return of The LORD than we have ever been before. You can see the signs everywhere!
Continue reading →These are the last days, the end time, and we should know and realize that these be the days of vengeance, when all things which are written shall be fulfilled.
Continue reading →In fear and trembling, I give this Word that The LORD recently gave to me. “My Son,” Thus sayeth The LORD. “A great time of trouble and travail is coming to your Nation.”
Continue reading →The difficult times ahead will be especially tough for this country – The USA – due to the fact that we have been accustomed to ease for such a long time.
Continue reading →In fear and trembling, I give this Word that The LORD me. “My son, a great and terrible and dark tumultuous day waits for this Nation, and for this world.”
Continue reading →Many are suffering great fights of affliction. No time in history has been as trying as now, for the people of God striving to enter in.
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