Red Alert!!
This is an update on this Middle East trouble that is spiraling out of control–other things are coming!! The Lord warned in the Word of the Lord for Sept. 2012
Continue reading →This is an update on this Middle East trouble that is spiraling out of control–other things are coming!! The Lord warned in the Word of the Lord for Sept. 2012
Continue reading →Prophet Phyllis Ford recorded these Prayer points concerning Watchfulness and how to rule as Kings and Priests for the Kingdom of God. We need his wisdom.
Continue reading →Lord knows we can all preach scripture, but the Lord spoke to me to share in this word so that we can prep for the time of visitation is quickly approaching.
Continue reading →It is important to read the word of the Lord for this month because in it are keys and instruction that will help to understand how this month will unfold.
Continue reading →Get ready the Lord speak and speak clearly, listen and take note because we will need these words of direction and instruction. A storm is coming.
Continue reading →September brings a great birthing of things coming forth. With birthing comes travail, pain and birth pangs, but, after birthing there’s calm and great changes.
Continue reading →These are daily words that were released to provide extra manna while you fast, pray and seek the Lord over the next 7 days on your Daniel Fast
Continue reading →There are many types of Christian Fast. Here Prophetess Phyllis Ford outlines the details of the rights and wrongs of the 21 day Daniel Fast she is undertaking.
Continue reading →There will be a turning of the tides: that which was on the bottom will rise up to its rightful place: the highly exalted will plummet to the bottom.
Continue reading →Idolatry is alive and well and is moving throughout the body of Christ. The Lord says: “It’s time to remove the high places from around us!”
Continue reading →Go after the presence of the Lord as you approach a time of great significance. Walk humbly & carefully in sanctity, and know His commands.
Continue reading →A change has taken place in the supernatural. Look out for your spiritual condition so as to end in Heaven and your eternal destiny and eternal life.
Continue reading →A lack of travail in prayer is the reason we do not see results in winning the lost to Christ. We need to Pray for one-another so that His Kingdom may come as planned!
Continue reading →This is a time of cleansing and purification, to rid oneself of things that doesn’t enhance your kingdom witness, kingdom knowledge and His kingdom glory.
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