Who’s Really in Charge?
When entering into a place a question that readily comes to mind is? Who’s in charge – who owns this company? Who’s Really in Charge?
Continue reading →When entering into a place a question that readily comes to mind is? Who’s in charge – who owns this company? Who’s Really in Charge?
Continue reading →While I was in prayer, I heard the song, “Have thine own way Lord, have thine own way — thou art the potter I am the clay.”
Continue reading →In 2013, we would see a year of various seasons, divine timings, and that His purposes would be established in the lives of His people.
Continue reading →This is a compilation of words that the Lord has shared with me during the month of November-December 2012 concerning the year 2013.
Continue reading →He has written his truth on the tablets of our hearts. The power of the victory is upon us when we pray, as we abide in the holy place early every day.
Continue reading →The Lord says lives will be changed and a rejoicing will come as this encouragement will be spoken upon the lips of my people as they testify what I shall do.
Continue reading →We are in a time where the enemy is looking to devise a way to prevail against us. but if we go into the prayer place called “His presence” — we’re protected.
Continue reading →I Have Called Upon You This Day! Trouble is coming in the midst of the winds of change and will cause a great shifting, even darkness will come upon the earth.
Continue reading →God spoke about His frustration & anger in the leadership & how we need a major adjustment in mindset, attitudes & resolve within the hearts of His people.
Continue reading →I called you this day to witness my power and my glory. I call upon you this day to partake in my plan to complete my purpose in a world that has grown weary.
Continue reading →I heard the Lord say: “I’m opening my gates and I am shaking the gates.” Pray & repent around the gates of your city & state. Pray forth God’s Spiritual Army.
Continue reading →The Lord shared wisdom we need for this hour. There will be upheavals, with emotions running wild as the enemy attempts to lead people into confusion and chaos.
Continue reading →It appeared that I was witnessing a transformation of a people and the Lord let me know that the garments I saw were like a covering of His glory upon them.
Continue reading →Let the angels come to our aid. Let the winds of the Spirit blow upon us so that we will walk in the Day of your power. and decree that which is revealed in us.
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