A Time for Precise Acts of God
It’s a wonderful thing to be able to give a hand to someone who is in turmoil, but we can’t do it by just quoting nice Christian sayings or throwing out a random scripture at them.
Continue reading →It’s a wonderful thing to be able to give a hand to someone who is in turmoil, but we can’t do it by just quoting nice Christian sayings or throwing out a random scripture at them.
Continue reading →In this podcast I am going to share two interesting supernatural events that took place in regards to “Prayer Walking” in two different locations.
Continue reading →I will be speaking about an unexpected experience I had which took place, indicating a Word and warning from The LORD regarding our City.
Continue reading →I’m going to talk with you about what it means to be in a place of safety, a place, or a “haven” of being sheltered by The LORD. Especially during difficult and hard times.
Continue reading →Sometimes We Wonder Where Is God In The Midst Of Our Struggles. Why is God allowing this to happen? We usually don’t understand, yet God is there. His name “Immanuel” means, God WITH us.
Continue reading →This Word sat strongly in my spirit and of course, not all of it will be easy to hear, because our flesh doesn’t like to hear about change or where God must correct us.
Continue reading →Today’s Podcast is addressing something that I feel The Spirit of The LORD has given to me to share with all of you, as well as having a Prophetic Word at the end.
Continue reading →A Word addressing what it means to have The LORD protect us, and save us from evil or harm that may come our way we learn to hear His Voice.
Continue reading →We all face seasons of change that correspond much like the four seasons we observe yearly.
Continue reading →Today’s Word is one that I am going to share about another wonderful story of how The Holy Spirit can prompt us to do things for others at the most uncanny times.
Continue reading →Today’s podcast is one of several that I will do in the next few weeks. I trust will enhance your Christmas season, even thought the message is one for any season!
Continue reading →Says The LORD: “Be very careful whom you share your treasures with. How many pearls have you cast before piggish users in the past, only to have them ground to powder?”
Continue reading →If we are distressed at the terrorism going on overseas, what will we do when it’s in our own neighborhoods?
Continue reading →“I AM here no matter what happens, no matter what comes, I AM!” said The LORD. A Vision of the Coming Storm the Force of God’s Power Over the Earth.
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