I Am NOT Trying to Figure it Out!
I get it — this life and world is not my permanent home. Any defenses built are only temporary. I do not have to make a permanent plan for survival.
Continue reading →I get it — this life and world is not my permanent home. Any defenses built are only temporary. I do not have to make a permanent plan for survival.
Continue reading →The LORD is an ever present help in time of need. The forces and displays of God’s Love are beyond our scope of imagination.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. Few will hear My Knock and miss My Coming!”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Do you have any coins for the beggar? Not every person you see on the streets asking for a handout, may be a beggar at all.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Thieves are people void of understanding when it comes to The Word of God.
Continue reading →“There are some things My children not allowed on this journey. I make mention of friends who are going nowhere,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “Take My Peace out of the freezer! A peace is coming — a sobering peace that shall drown out the voice of every enemy.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I have determined that 40 Weeks of blessings are upon My People for obedience.”
Continue reading →While you have these few moments to reflect, hold your breath then take lots of deep breaths IN AND OUT.
Continue reading →While I prayed for my family this morning, I hear The LORD say, “Stay in the fight even when the fight is rigged and many odds are stacked against your favor.”
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “Trumpet! Trumpet! Blow the trumpet in Zion for it is the day of discovery to discover recovery.”
Continue reading →Lord, I pray for a Deliver with the spirit of a Sojourner Truth in Afghanistan to lead Your people to safety; so they will be able to worship You in “Spirit and Truth”.
Continue reading →“Today I AM saying be faithful to that which you are entrusted, not an earth shaking word but a simple truth,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →A generation of beggars is coming — ones who have never known Me. You shall begin to see every imaginable get rich scheme.
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