America: The Stimulus is Coming!
I heard The LORD say, “The economy is getting ready to stimulate. I AM pouring riches of old even hidden treasures into the land.”
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “The economy is getting ready to stimulate. I AM pouring riches of old even hidden treasures into the land.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Faith is arising My Children, I see faith pushing its way before pain. This is Gain and Prosperity in The Kingdom of God.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “I have much to say daughter to your strength and to The Will of The Father.”
Continue reading →“Daughter, this shall be a time of great confusion for there shall be an announcement of War, but no one will know where it came from.”
Continue reading →The LORD says we must honor Covenant Relationship with our Heavenly Father, and step away from systematic things to produce a proper harvest.
Continue reading →“The enemy coming forth shall be as a storm. Winds will blow that he is not able to withstand. This enemy is not prepared for My FURY!”
Continue reading →I Heard The LORD say, “I AM going to save Trump in the last hour, just when everyone thinks all hope is gone for his survival.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM answering prayers that were never prayed because these things are locked in My Will for My Kingdom to Come.”
Continue reading →“The Sahara Desert is going to awake again. She will give forth drink to weary travelers and she will water My Gardens of old.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “People are still not listening to My WORDS, going into panic attacks about elections, and not having enough food to eat.”
Continue reading →“The World is about to be moved from its natural core. People are staking their claim in ‘Climate Change’ but My Hand is in the weather and the water.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Listen to all I have to say. Do not be so preoccupied with getting a Word – get The Truth as well!”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I will cause you to take detours and go deep into terrains far away from the path of your travels.”
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