The 9th Hour
“My People are gripped with fear being afraid of obvious things to come upon them. But fear not My Chosen Ones. Snatch fear away from your thoughts,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“My People are gripped with fear being afraid of obvious things to come upon them. But fear not My Chosen Ones. Snatch fear away from your thoughts,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“My Glory shall reign on the earth. The Jewish heart shall part from sin and souls shall spark with revitalization,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Be Led by the Spirit! Speak to the Jews daughter. Tell My Jewish nation that I love them; tell them I AM waiting for them to love Me.”
Continue reading →Is there anything you want God to take back? Before asking, The LORD to intervene in this way — make sure things received came from Him.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “World War III is ramping up, war against The NATIONS. This War shall not just be one Nation against another. It shall be “Nations” against one another.”
Continue reading →“I tell My people to cast your cares upon Me, yet people want to have attitudes and opinions,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Reading the Word of God — presents mysteries. Great mysteries stand before brilliant and ignorant minds.
Continue reading →The enemy does everything possible to keep us from The Presence of The LORD. However, The LORD God Almighty has opened up Himself to flow out unto His People.
Continue reading →This Word came forth in September 2020 and I am inspired to share it again, since The Hand of The LORD has prevailed.
Continue reading →Today I heard The LORD say: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:16-18 KJV)
Continue reading →Jesus died for the CHURCH and He is expecting His Body to walk through this Earth with His Authority. We are all elected officials approved to officiate the Word of God. Use your authority!
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “My People….. Do not be consumed by evil instead: be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “Watch Me work! Watch Me work, children! Watch Me work miracles in the universe! Do you think I AM a heartless God?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →“Idleness can be crippling. My people must find work to do that will alleviate burdens of their fellowman. Each of you has gifts to spur on the work of others,” says The LORD.
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