Untie the Donkey and Its Colt!
While Jerusalem was preparing to shout a message of triumph — “Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of The LORD!” — God had a colt prepared.
Continue reading →While Jerusalem was preparing to shout a message of triumph — “Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of The LORD!” — God had a colt prepared.
Continue reading →But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Continue reading →Greetings in Jesus’ Name! Watch out for a grand reversal and economic boost! The time for the wealth of The Nations into India — is now!
Continue reading →Transformation : Change into a whole new form. It is a holistic Change from The inside — out !
Continue reading →I woke up this morning having had a Dream of a shirt given to me to wear and my eyes spotted the brand on the collar of the shirt which read “AMOS”.
Continue reading →The Children’s Bread & and The Overcomer’s Hidden Manna. Healing, in The Body of Christ, is the Children’s bread!
Continue reading →While Ruth was gathering the grain, following the women in a trail, she was gathering a royal inheritance through a kinsman, who was a progenitor to Jesus by way of His clan.
Continue reading →As I was waiting on The LORD to hear His Heart and His gentle refreshing Word, the Word that was impressed upon my heart was — “Keyhole Visions and Prophecies!”
Continue reading →If they cannot acknowledge their identity with The Body of Christ — and it’s order — what is their motive to build with you?
Continue reading →Our voices carry a different depth and demand in The Throne Room, owing to the Authority and Identity which we develop over a time of relationship with God.
Continue reading →A Calling and a Destiny, involves “UNSETTLEMENTS”! God was calling Abraham to Unsettle and go to a land unknown of Ai.
Continue reading →The Sound of Heaven comes from the heart of God, trapped in the worshipers heart, and played by their fingers to bring out The Worship of Heaven, leading others to Him!
Continue reading →Passover — Pesach, allows us to inherit our blessings of passing over from all that we are holding to in our lives and pass over to Life and eternal Life.
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