America’s Dome of Protection to be Restored
During prayer, I saw a dome of protection re-raised up over America. Once the dome was restored, the glory filled it and our land, as never before!
Continue reading →During prayer, I saw a dome of protection re-raised up over America. Once the dome was restored, the glory filled it and our land, as never before!
Continue reading →Find humble servants who are denying themselves, taking up their cross and following Jesus, and feeding you, true spiritual food without price or money.
Continue reading →A true Watchman or Seer, sees the good as well as the bad – what is right as well as what is wrong, and will warn, correct and cry out against what is wrong.
Continue reading →The way to a greater anointing, is to have a greater love for righteousness and a greater hatred of wickedness and iniquity.
Continue reading →I have been observing many posts about this political candidate or that one, like a political candidate is going to save America!
Continue reading →Saints we are required to both hear and do the sayings of Jesus, for our house to be built upon the rock and not the sand.
Continue reading →It takes the power of the spirit of grace and supplication, which is the spirit of prayer, coming upon the believers to birth a greater move of the Spirit.
Continue reading →Saints and fellow five-fold Ministers, MERCHANDISING the Gospel is Sin. It is INIQUITY. Some verses translate it “trafficking,” “trading,” “merchandising.”
Continue reading →A Word of the Lord to My remnant warriors. This is your Finest hour. The hour you were brought into the Kingdom for. The hour to cry aloud and spare not.
Continue reading →With flaming swords to deal with wickedness and unrighteousness in the House of God, the hour of His judgement is here, beginning first with the House of God.
Continue reading →One of the biggest sins in the body of Christ, is what I call a ‘system mind,’ a mind that does almost only what is acceptable, with religious thinking.
Continue reading →It is time to repent and allow the Kingdom of God to be established in the Houses of God, Christ as the chief cornerstone.
Continue reading →The Judgement of God is going to manifest swiftly, with ever increasing intensity, each month throughout 2016.
Continue reading →Arise and shine, for this is your time, your season, your hour, step up, step in, and go forth as mighty flames of fire and desire.
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