PREPARE… Word #4, Cut the Rope
This is today’s word to YOU… You who are living in a PIT dug by the devil to destroy you… The Lord is saying for you to RISE UP AND WALK OUT OF THAT PIT.
Continue reading →This is today’s word to YOU… You who are living in a PIT dug by the devil to destroy you… The Lord is saying for you to RISE UP AND WALK OUT OF THAT PIT.
Continue reading →I believe it will get worse. I prophesy that we are IN JUDGMENT NOW. Time has come & many are NOT READY and ARE NOT LISTENING, MANY ARE FALLING ALL AROUND YOU.
Continue reading →The signs are clear to see: God is judging His people and His Church in America. Get ready to help and join in the true remnant rising in the Day of the Lord.
Continue reading →The Lord continues to give warnings. Soon it will come because of a worsening of the unbelief and sin in the Church of America – a Judgment on GODS PEOPLE
Continue reading →Some people want help, healing, and deliverance.but they want it their way, forgetting that God does resist a proud heart and a haughty spirit.
Continue reading →I heard the Lord say that there is coming a time shortly when I WOULD HAVE TO BE PREPARED! Look at America and read the signs of the times and be prepared too.
Continue reading →Sometimes we forget that God does not force men, but looks for those who will seek Him out and choose Him. God is making up a People for His own name sake.
Continue reading →To all who have ears to hear and all who believe Me saith the Lord, I will now turn the Storm upon the political process of America to reveal my strong dislike.
Continue reading →I See a Storm coming, Yes, moving, swirling, and rain. It is a physical storm raging, yet I speak of other things. It is indeed a Storm raging, A Spirit Storm.
Continue reading →Risking his own life, Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself, but to follow God’s will instead. By remaining true to God, Daniel was promoted.
Continue reading →July 2012 was the hottest month on record for mainland USA since record keeping began in 1895. The Lord has words of the USA – please read an understand!
Continue reading →Many are standing on the very Fringe of the Supernatural Life because they are wavering in disbelief that God could work such a mighty work and Wonder. You?
Continue reading →Many believe the principals Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount are the greatest Words Jesus ever spoke and give more guidance than any other one sermon.
Continue reading →II saw the Feet and Legs of the Two Major Candidates running for the office of the President. I heard the Lord say NEITHER ONE OF THEM CAN DO ANYTHING.
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