Who Said God Loves and Approves of Sin in the Church?
Many in many “Churches” today are saying it is okay to attend Church dressed anyway you wish, and to act anyway you wish, and to live anyway you wish.
Continue reading →Many in many “Churches” today are saying it is okay to attend Church dressed anyway you wish, and to act anyway you wish, and to live anyway you wish.
Continue reading →The enemy is constantly talking, for he does sneak up and whisper into one’s ears the negative thoughts and oppressive strongholds he has imagined to stop you.
Continue reading →Faith in The LORD’s Promise(s) is essential to receiving, because, without Faith it is Impossible to please The LORD. Without Faith — nothing works well!
Continue reading →I find this article very interesting right now, and I believe we are seeing “God working” in this amazing event.
Continue reading →Too many on Facebook are preaching and teaching that in order to become saved, one must not sin and repent of all sin to be saved, but if he does sin again — he will again be lost.
Continue reading →In this hour when so many are taking sides against Israel, I do bless Israel, and back her all the way!
Continue reading →Scripture tells us that God can do the Impossible, and when men find something impossible for them to do, then it is just a good opportunity for God to prove His ability.
Continue reading →For a Baby to talk about things they do not fully know or understand, would be known by all to be useless and perhaps even misleading.
Continue reading →Early this morning I could not sleep, so I did get up and go to prayer. As I was praying in Tongues, in The Spirit, I begin to see a Vision.
Continue reading →Today, so many things are evil it is difficult to even understand which one is worse, but, one only read the Scriptures to know that Israel is the apple of God’s Eye.
Continue reading →During my God-encounter days of walking with God in the desert and talking with Him in a very real and personal way, God spoke to me from a particular passage of Scripture,
Continue reading →This morning I awoke from another night of Dreams about “something very difficult to deal with,” happening.
Continue reading →Even as in Paul’s day, there are still MANY FALSE BROTHERS (who do Masquerade to be Christian’s), going about to bring great division in the Body of Christ.
Continue reading →Some are concerned that they are doing everything right —and have even done enough!
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