He Is the Great “I AM”!
I hear God talking to us about a new beginning that is now at work in America. Many refer to it as a reprieve from total judgment. A lull in the storm.
Continue reading →I hear God talking to us about a new beginning that is now at work in America. Many refer to it as a reprieve from total judgment. A lull in the storm.
Continue reading →In the course of events, the Words that the LORD spoke to me as Prophet concerning America and what He was doing, as far back as 2008, are coming to pass.
Continue reading →In America today, many who profess to be God’s Church are tolerating a woman who is a Jezebel type figure who is calling herself an inspired teacher.
Continue reading →The LORD says: “I AM lining up and sending down my heavenly angels to block the force coming against the election to insure Hillary will not be elected!”
Continue reading →Preparing to write, I saw an ARCHER STANDING WITH HIS BOW READY TO SHOOT THE ARROW… I heard the LORD talking about SOMETHING FIXING TO HAPPEN QUICKLY.
Continue reading →This election year is the end of an era and changes are coming before the election. By the election time, the world will see and know and what He is saying to all.
Continue reading →Any person who knows the news and the events taking place right now in this nation, knows full well America is divided right down the middle.
Continue reading →My father was a godly man. I have heard him say at harvest time, we must go to worship God and attend Church first, then we will cut the barley.
Continue reading →The battle lines are defined – only one spark could start the flame burning. To say anything less than: things are really heating up, would be a blind mistake.
Continue reading →I received a word saying “Donald Trump was a trumpet to trumpet all.” A little later on the same day, I heard also the LORD say: “He is a fall guy.”
Continue reading →Jesus said if one follows a false teacher they both fall into the ditch. How can anyone not expect judgment a nation who closes it eyes to open sin and murder?
Continue reading →Two Words in One – to help bring us to a reality of who and what we are in Him and Who His is in and for us.
Continue reading →I read in the scriptures about a man sent from God to preach. He was not normal and fitted no molds.
Continue reading →For you who are called to walk for Jesus in this day [a day of great darkness and confusion]… Watch out…
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