Not One Man but Two Men!
Something for you to think about, study and Know that will bring much Assurance and Hope!
Continue reading →Something for you to think about, study and Know that will bring much Assurance and Hope!
Continue reading →When it comes to a person in need of healing and it would be difficult to go pray and lay on hands in person, or impossible, we do believe in Sending Anointed Prayer Cloths.
Continue reading →This morning I was dreaming about THE MIND OF CHRIST, and I saw how The LORD wants us to LET HIS MIND BE IN US.
Continue reading →This morning early I could not sleep and got out of bed to pray and then listen to The LORD speaking, and THIS is what He said.
Continue reading →“I AM moving in Grace and Mercy to all those who are deceived and moving in their deception to destroy Americam: says The LORD.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say: “I never ask any of you to do anything that I don’t do myself.”
Continue reading →I have learned one thing well, never think your personal plans are totally right.
Continue reading →Today I read an ancient Word written by an Old Testament Prophet, and it sounds like what I hear in the TV News now!
Continue reading →I do not speak out of turn here by pointing out a problem which is most serious: “Being unequally yoked with unbelievers……!”
Continue reading →Today The LORD worked a Miracle — He fixed our Water Well! I want now to brag on The LORD and exalt His great and mighty Name.
Continue reading →To call men to honor the Day of Resurrection of our LORD to be celebrated as transgender day, and to make this perverted sex the banner, is most disgusting indeed.
Continue reading →The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the greatest one event in the history of mankind for it literally was The New Beginning for all men.
Continue reading →heard The LORD say: “If she does not get saved tonight — she will never get saved! Warn her now…!”
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