Desert Zion — A Mighty Breakthrough is Happening
We have already begin to feel the wind of change into a brand New Season, bringing forth mighty things in the building of Desert Zion and The Kingdom of God.
Continue reading →We have already begin to feel the wind of change into a brand New Season, bringing forth mighty things in the building of Desert Zion and The Kingdom of God.
Continue reading →I know many of you are so excited about President Donald J. Trump winning the 2024 Elections, that you have just set back and sigh a relief and are feeling blessed…..
Continue reading →How to win a lost man to Christ, or a lost woman? There are some who say something like this: “There are many ways to get to God….”
Continue reading →A person can be very much saved and prepared to meet Jesus, but still be confused and wondering as if they did not even know the way.
Continue reading →The condition of The Church in America is sad, and many have lost their way and purpose.
Continue reading →This morning early I heard this Word coming, following the 2024 US Election News: “Put not your full trust in any man — but look to Me for I AM.”
Continue reading →Like it or not, I believe the coming shaking The LORD has been warning us about will be during the election this year 2024.
Continue reading →He does not only Control the Heavens and the earth — but He controls all animals and all “men” dwelling upon the earth.
Continue reading →I awoke from a very vivid Dream and lay in my bed shaken by the awesome things I had seen and felt.
Continue reading →I heard again this morning Words of Warning about “Shaking which has began — hurricanes already happening — and will continue!”
Continue reading →I am led to ask you this Question: Who are you listening to, and, who are you following?
Continue reading →Today I know, after hearing The LORD talk recently, that we are soon to enter into a new season or a new day, and when we do we will walk in victory.
Continue reading →Celeste, who was standing across from me, suddenly saw a Vision while we were praying.
Continue reading →Spend time reading of his struggles, heart cries, problems and journey with The LORD, you’ll soon understand exactly who Paul was – and where he was coming from!
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